Badger State Inspection, LLC is headquartered in Osseo, WI. An inspection firm that specializes in all aspects of water tower inspections, evaluations and construction. We can handle any job, small or large.
Our inspectors are highly qualified and thorough. We will meet your needs to ensure an optimal result that meets your expectations and respects your budget.
We are serious about building a lasting relationship with our clients with our commitment to service and satisfaction every step of the way.
Badger State Inspection, LLC employs certified NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) coatings and AWS (American Welding Society) inspectors.
Badger State Inspection, LLC will provide the very important independent third party eye to protect your property.
A proactive inspection schedule is a key element of water tower maintenance. We will inspect your water tower to ensure the structure and components are in good condition and comply with safety standards. Inspection will identify conditions such as corrosion, contaminants, sediment buildup and several other safety concerns. We recommend an annual inspection to stay ahead of any problems right away, should there be any to address.
FLOATDOWN INSPECTION: While there are many methods to inspect water towers, the most comprehensive method available is the floatdown inspection – Badger State Inspection’s specialty. The floatdown inspection permits hands-on inspection of all areas of the interior tank. The coatings will be tested for adhesion to the substrate and it’s cohesion. Structural issues that may be present will be determined and we will identify any items not in compliance with OSHA at the time of inspection. Floatdown inspections are recommended bi-annually to keep your tank in good working condition and to determine problem areas before they become much more costly and extensive.
ROV INSPECTION: ROV (Remotely operated vehicle) inspections are the alternative to floatdown inspection. Save time and money with ROV inspections. This method utilizes a sanitized underwater ROV with video camera and recording equipment to inspect all of the surfaces of the tank below the water level. Our inspection video and reports help you determine the overall condition of the interior and exteriors of your tank. This method is very cost effective with no water loss or service disruption.
EVALUATION REPORTS: Following the inspection, we will submit an inspection report, certified by a NACE International Coatings Inspector which will include color photos of the conditions discovered during the inspection and a recommendation for any repairs or reconditioning work required along with laboratory analysis of the coatings.
DRAWING AND STRUCTURAL REVIEWS: Most cellular companies have installations designed by their own engineers and consultants. However, our experience has proven that most designers and contractors have little experience with water tank design. Our project manager will handle the review process, the preconstruction meetings and will act as a buffer between the tenant, their subcontractor and the municipality.
SHOP INSPECTION: BSI inspects the surface preparation and priming of new tank steel, antenna equipment and all steel mounted to the tank in the painters shop prior to installation. This quality control of procedures eliminates many problems for the owner of the tank.
FIELD/WELD INSPECTION: BSI will provide inspection by Certified Welding Inspectors during structural installation and NACE Coating Inspectors during coating repairs for work performed by the vendor’s contractors. All inspections will be documented.
FINAL INSPECTION AND CLOSEOUT: BSI’s inspectors will monitor and approve the workmanship during all phazes of the job through completion which includes documentation of work performed.
Painting of water tanks and towers is necessary to ensure the longevity of the tower. Properly specified and applied, today’s coating systems can achieve a life expectancy of 20 to 25 years with minimal downtime. BSI can help maximize your investment by preparing specifications and providing construction management and reconditioning inspection. BSI limits the number of reconditioning projects we perform each year so each client will receive a proper inspection by qualified NACE coating inspectos and AWS certified weld inspectors.
ENGINEERING ESTIMATE: BSI will work directly with the engineer to write a detailed, thorough specification.
SPECIFICATION PREPARATION: BSI will perform a floatdown or ROV inspection before writing the specification. This will leave no rock unturned and eliminate costly change orders during the project.
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT: Generally contractor’s work 60-70 hours per week with a 6-10 man crew. BSI approves each phase of the work and will approve 100% of the surface preparation and blasting. We will inspect each workers work each day to ensure a high quality of workmanship.
FULL TIME INSPECTION VS PART TIME INSPECTION: BSI recommends Full time inspection to prevent unjustified and costly unexpected changes by the contractor. These projects are very expensive for any community. By having full time inspection on the project, it ensures that the City will get what they are paying for and that the workmanship will last as expected. The best value for the municipal dollar is full time versus part time inspection. Full time inspection will provide a detailed timeline that will help the owner in the event the project would take longer than projected along with any other issue that would arise.
NEW TANK CONSTRUCTION: We have worked on many successful new tank construction projects. From welding in the shop to construction on site.
WELD INSPECTION: BSI will provide inspection by Certified Welding Inspectors during structural installation and NACE Coating Inspectors during coating repairs for work performed by all contractors.
COATING INSPECTION: BSI will make sure that the time between coatings meets or exceeds the coating manufactures recommendations. We will witness the blowdown and paint mixing process before application. This is also documented each time this process occurs.
REPAIRS: Maintenance extends the lifespan of the water tower components and structure, but occasional repairs may prove essential to keep the system operational.
GRID BEE MIXER UNITS: For those living in winter temperatures, ice in your potable storage tank is an ever-present threat. Serious tank damage and repair costs can occur if tank ice is not addressed. Tank mixing can make your ice problems melt away with complete floor to surface mixing to minimize ice formation. BSI installs Medora Corporation tank mixers, the industries best mixers. They can be deployed in any tank build, any tank size and without draining your tank or taking it out of service. Contact us today to hear more about these dependable, cost effective and consistent mixing systems.
SAFETY CLIMB EQUIPMENT: Of course, worker safety is very high on the list of water tank inspection. Water tower maintenance activities such as inspection and painting require a fall prevention strategy.
AVIATION WARNING LIGHTS: BSI will provide and install FAA aviation warning lights for your tower. We recommend LED lighting to eliminate your personel having to change bulbs routinley.
Tank Maintenance should be monitored yearly to safeguard your water supply. Routine cleaning helps reduce the risk that can negatively impact your tank. Bacteria growth and sediment build-up are minimized protecting the tank’s interior. During tank maintenance, areas in need of repair are identified. BSI can help make sure your tank and components are working correctly and efficiantly.
Vent Screens: Checking for corrosion
Overflow Pipes: Making sure screens are in place and not damaged to keep animals and cold air out
Manways: Making sure they close and latch correctly
Pedestrian Doors: Check that they close, lock and are free of corrosion
Power Wash: A complete power wash to the entire exterior with an antifungal additive will kill black mold growth on the roof and shell. By killing the mold, mildew and fungus this will slow down the return of the fungus.

- NACE Coating Inspector
Position available for NACE Certified Coating Inspector. Must be able to climb and work at heights and have good communication and organizational skills. Competitive compensation and benefits. Please send resume to kmulhern@badgerstateinspection.com or contact us at (715) 533-8686. Badger State Inspection, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Badger State Inspection, LLC (BSI) was founded in 2012. BSI oversees all phases of water tower installations, reconditioning projects, antenna installations, tower evaluations, water treatment facilities, and GAC repairs for municipal government, federal government and private sector clients. Backed by strong credentials, along with 30 years of field experience, a proven history of on-time, on-budget and high-quality project completions has backed our success. Our staff of field inspectors are NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers), and AWS (American Welding Society) certified. Their experience ensures excellent work standards. Our goal is to achieve the greatest overall efficiency for each municipality for optimal operations over the long term.